Monday, August 16, 2010

Loin of Lamb (Noisettes) with Broad Beans and Fine Herbs - Ryan Cooks

        I've been cooking ever since I've been a teenager though there were some phases in my life where I didn't step foot into the kitchen at all. My knowledge of food and cooking is obviously far greater now than it was back then. I am also lucky to have a boyfriend who loves to cook and has an appreciation for food as much as I do. For me, I understand that my passion for food pretty much came inherited from Mum, Ryan on the other hand comes from a family whose taste buds are very bland and don't cook very much at all. So it's pretty unusual that he's so unlike them, I think I had some part to do with it. It probably also has some part to do with his exposure working in the hospitality industry in his uni days.

        Last Friday, Ryan insisted that he wanted to cook for me. "Don't you always cook for me?" I ask him, "Yeah, but it's usually your recipes and you do all the shopping, I only really help you cook". See, for most males, you'd probably be lucky that they step foot into the kitchen and help cook at all. Then there's the lucky few of us who have someone who will happily go shopping and then set foot into the kitchen and cook up a storm (literally sometimes as there is always a whole trail of pots and pans and dirty dishes to wash up after them).
        So I come home (to Ryan's place) and all the shopping has been done and Ryan is already half way through prepping for dinner. I actually feel really strange about it. He expects me to just take a seat and wait for my meal. I'm up looking over his shoulder (take a snap or two), prodding at things, asking him questions, "Is there anything you want me to do?". He assures me that everything is under control. So I go take a seat at the dining table and just watch him cook. He looks towards me and says "You're not used to this are you? You're just itching to do something".

        Mum has taught me that whenever you are a guest to someone's house and they are cooking for you and things still need to be done, you always offer your help. It's a common courtesy that is pretty much built into me. After your meal you get up and help clear the table and offer to help wash up. It's the complete opposite at Ryan's place, whenever we have a meal with the family around, his mum always insists on taking my dishes and always telling me to leave the dishes alone and that she will do it. I think it also has some part to do with her need to be in control of things.
        I spy a printed recipe on the table and have a look, "Is this what you're cooking?" I ask him. Apparantly it's a recipe from Taste Le Tour: Stage 19 which had inspired him, I had fallen asleep on his bed while we were watching an online streaming of it - oops.

Lamb loin cut into 'noisettes' and marinated.

He also decides to make a celeriac mash to go with the lamb.

        First time cooking with broad beans, I'm hungry and cranky so decide to give him a hand peeling them to speed things up a little.

        "Hun can you help peel the carrots?" They were tiny little tedious things to peel. So tasty though.

        Oh it was so hard sitting there just waiting and watching and smelling everything. I just wanted to eat!

        I think he did pretty well cooking this all by himself =) He was quite proud of his accomplishment. So was I. Even though I was a little agitated sitting around waiting, there's just so much more satisfaction having a good home cooked meal.

        The celeriac mash was beautiful, I'm so used to my mash potato so this was a nice change in flavour and texture. It went really well with the lamb, and had a nice earthy taste while still being smooth and fluffy (not as smooth and fluffy as potato mash though)

        Ryan was a little upset that I had to help him do the beans and carrots, he wanted to be in control with every aspect of the dish but let me help him as I was getting grumpy from hunger. I guess it's a guy thing. It gives him great pride though when he can present a plate and can say "Hey, I did everything all by myself". I guess he doesn't get to do it often and he's happy when he's able to do it. I'm generally alot more organised than he is and he has such limited time on his hands to do the planning and buying for a meal too. He's a lot calmer than I am in the kitchen though as I tend to stress a bit in the kitchen at times when I'm under pressure.
        After dinner we went to Gold Class to watch Inception and I induldged us in a double serve of the Lindt chocolate brownie sundae and I also had a nice cocktail to sip on while lounging back watching the movie. It was an awesome movie. What a great end to a long day at work and the beginning of a weekend.


  1. Well done Ryan! Now could he please have a word to Mr NQN? :P

  2. That looks good! My husband doesn't really cook, when he has to, then he would whip up something from Uncle Ben's...;)!

  3. You are a lucky girl! I do both the shopping (alone) and the cooking (alone) in our household!

  4. aww ryan is so sweet! you're a lucky girl angie!

  5. Looks awesome. I like man that cooks good food. that is why I love my man... heh. aren't we lucky?

  6. Very nice (meal and boyfriend)! The meal looks lovely. Each time someone cooks for me, I end up doing the dishes :(

  7. Awww, lucky you! The husband comes food shopping with me as he always has but he still doesn't cook. We've been together almost 4 years and it's an ongoing joke about when he'll actually cook for me =p

  8. Hi Lorraine: Okay, we need to make a plan for them two to be in the same room and talk about the same topic... which is cooking.

    Hi Cooking Gallery: Thanks! Hehe at least he tries... kind of =D

    Hi Maria: Haha erm thanks =D Someone needs to be taught a lesson or two around the house... ;)

    Hi Suze: Hehe aww thanks =)

    Hi Ladybird: Hehe yes, he is indeed a good boy =) Reason why I love him.

    Hi Penny: Thanks! Haha yes we are two very lucky girls =)

    Hi Bel: Haha double thanks! =) Oh trust me I always end up washing when he cooks, was just lucky enough to do minimal washing this time around.

    Hi Rita: Hehe thanks, maybe that joke needs to become reality hey? Give him a nudging =D

  9. You are so lucky to have a bf who loves to cook!!! I envy you for that :)

  10. Well done Ryan!
    I'm getting my boy to cook me dinner for the first time tomorrow... last week it failed so we got thai takeaway :P

  11. Hi Ellie: Hehe, totally love a boy that can cook ;)

    Hi Shellie: Hehe will his dinner make it to the blog? ;)
